Photo-Daniel teaching for The Armstrong Storytelling Trust

During 2020 Daniel has been teaching courses online.

You will find below a description of the course currently on offer.

Please contact Daniel if you are interested in particpating at some point in the future.


Traditional tales can be moving, poetic and thought-provoking. They can also be confusing, outdated and offensive. In this workshop Daniel explains strategies to adapt an antiquated text into the basis of a 21st Century performance. The course covers a range of traditional stories, from folktale to myth.  Because of the limitations of ZOOM, this is not a course about performance skills. It focuses instead on story structure and characterisation. It is suitable for storytellers with some experience of retelling traditional tales, rather than beginners.

‘I have learnt so much from this workshop and would highly recommend it to anyone looking to broaden, deepen and develop their storytelling.’  Workshop participant